🚧 DRAFT: Learning Japanse :DRAFT 🚧

Published on 2/23/2023


Some of my friends already know that I secretly always want to go to Japan, but without speaking or actually having learned any words of the language apart from the generic Anime stuff, it’s going to be quite the task. I do actually enjoy some anime now and then in public transport to kill some time, so I started learning Japanese on Duolingo to see how far I can get.

It starts out with simple words like mizu meaning water and gohan being rice, but eventually you will get harder words like kudasai meaning please. Currently I am at a 60 day streak πŸ”₯, but I will continue learning till the day that we go on holiday to Japan. And Maintaining the streak is β€œeasy” for now, as I am learning the standard alphabet called Katakana. For exmaple すし being su and shi and more simple characters alike, but actually starting to hear and recognise the characters is harder to master.

And the letters け and ら look alike in DuoLingo, just as は and ほ, but they are in fact way different. For people outside Germanic languages this can be seen as the same as i and j. They look alike but are way different from what they mean and how the language works. This can be hard for first time learners trying to get a grasp on all the characters in the alphabet.
